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제목 Re:성경쓰기 카테고리 | 천주교
작성자김근식 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2009-05-21 조회수373 추천수0 신고
                      가톨릭 성경
    다음 성경을 권합니다.
    The  New  American  Bible
    Catholic Book  Publishing  Company.
    Nihil  obstat : Stephen J. Hartdegen, OFM.. SSL
                        Christian P. Ceroke, O. Carm, STD
    Imprimatur :  Patrick Cardinal O''Boyle. D.D.
                         Archbishop of  Washington
    July 27, 1970
          The  Revised New  Testament
    Nihil  obstat : Stephen J. Hartdegen, OFM..SSL
                          Censor Deputatus
    Imprimatur :  James A. Hickey, STD..JCD
                          Archbishop  of  Washington
    August 27, 1986
           The  Revised  Psalms
    Imprimatur :  Most Rev. Daniel E. Pilarczyk
                         President,  National  Conference
                                          of  Catholic Bishops
    September 10, 1991
        * Prayer  to  the Holy Spirit
          Come,  Holy Spirit, fill  the  hearts  of
          your  faithful  and enkindle in  them
          the  fire  of  your  love.
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