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제목 maryisgod (MIGCM) 홈페이지
작성자장이수 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2007-06-08 조회수310 추천수2 반대(0) 신고

The True Third Secret of

Our Lady of Fatima


A Catholic-Marian Movement for the Propagation of The True Message of Our Lady of Fatima and the Preservation of Our True Faith.

Mary is God. Mary Is The Soul Of The Holy Spirit

17 June 2005


The Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima states Mary’s divinity.
Mary is God, Mary is the Soul of the Holy Spirit.

Spirit is to God. Person is to Soul. Angel is to Church. Existence is to Being. Man is to Woman. Husband is to Wife. Adam is to Eve.

Mary is God, is the Final Dogma of the Holy Catholic Church. The Most Holy Trinity demand its declaration by the Holy Father as ABSOLUTE prerequisite for the TOTAL Redemption of Creation.

In the light of the election of an ANTI-MARY Pope and therefore ANTI-CHRIST Pope, in the person of Pope Benedict XVI, we fervently urge all CATHOLICS, to exert all legitimate efforts to compel those in authority that have remained Consecrated to the Most Holy Spirit, – to STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR THE TRUE MESSAGE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA.

We appeal most especially to those who have knowledge of the TRUE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA, to help us PROCLAIM the WORDS of GOD, by offering themselves as witnesses to the TRUTH.

The declaration of Mary is God Dogma will no doubt demand of us faithful servants of The Most Holy Trinity, a burden seemingly too much to bear for any man. But with each mission that God demands of us, comes also The Mighty and All Powerful Grace of The Most Holy Spirit.

With this Last and Final mission that was entrusted to us, The Catholic Church, The Communion of Our Lord and God Jesus Christ, will without any doubt also come the Greatest outpouring of The Most Holy Spirit’s Grace. It is only through DIVINE GRACE that The Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima will be understood.

Brothers and Sisters, we are living in the last times of this Godless era. Our Beloved God and Savior Jesus Christ is coming sooner than many are expecting and inherent to His Second coming is the requirement that we as His Beloved Church and Spouse be perfected. Mary is God – is the Final and Last Dogma that perfects the Holy Catholic Church.

Please do not be indifferent or lukewarm. We need each and every single SOUL to stand up and fight side-by-side with us for our Mother, The Church.

Let us console the Most Holy Trinity, and be united with Christ Our Lord and Savior, by also offering and sacrificing our lives for the Church that He BUILT AND DIED FOR. THE THIRD MESSAGE OF FATIMA IS NOT A CHOICE - IT IS A MUST. THE THIRD MESSAGE OF FATIMA IS OUR SALVATION.

For Mary Who Is Indeed God,

dominic sanchez falar

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