성가 게시판

제목 김종헌 신부님 글을 이용할 허락을 바랍니다.
작성자유원택 쪽지 캡슐 작성일1999-08-03 조회수1,623 추천수0 반대(0) 신고
Hello, Sir, I would like to ask for your permission to post your writings number 289-301 on the Goodnews site. It will be posted on my Choir's website at http://my.netian.com/~gratia/ I will only make slight alterations to fit the pages and post it on purpose of RE-EDUCATING the choir members and other related members. I have done some sessions on the Vatican II before, but was not diligent enough to have some writing posted in our website. Please reply Thank you. 신부님 전례헌장에 관한 글을 제 성가대 website 에 단원 재교육을 위하여 올리고 싶습니다. 허락해 주십시요. http://my.netian.com/~gratia/ 유원택 이냐시오(Antioch) Wontaek Ignatius Ryu wontaek@ecn.purdue.edu
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