
우리들의 묵상/체험

제목 발 꾸 락 이 닮 았 삼
작성자조화임 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2012-11-05 조회수465 추천수0 반대(0) 신고

찬미 예수님

동방 앗시리아 교회전통과 9세기 일본 진언종의 발상지인 교토 고야산 전통의 니시 혼간지 불교  오봉 축제가  많이 닮아 있습니다. 더불어 일본 신도사원에서 거행되는 결혼식 전통은 어딘가 우리나라 결혼식 필이 납니다. 한번 즐감해 보세요. 세상에 잠들어 있었던, 그리고 우리에게 잠들어 있었던 사실이 참 많습니다.

What's more, the August festival of Obon was influenced by the Nestorian Christian's All Souls festival, and Buddhist ceremonies held at the monastic site of Mount Koya still incorporate the making of the sign of the cross, Joseph said. "I spoke to a priest there who said that while most of the Christian forms in Shingon Buddhism have gone, some still remain." Another unusual feature on Koya-san is a replica of the Nestorian Monument, which was erected in the 1940s by Nestorian scholar E.A. Gordon. Joseph says he was told by a priest there that Koya-san in fact was originally a Christian monastery.


"Many Buddhist temples were built on top of old, burned down Christian churches left in ruins. Diligent research today can still uncover these lost relics," Reverend Joseph said. Researcher M.L. Young says that one of the most sacred objects of the Nishi Honganji Buddhist Temple, founded by Kobo Daishi in 806 after his contact with a Nestorian Christian monastery in Beijing, is "the Lord of the Universe's Discourse on Almsgiving," a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount and other Matthean passages.

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