
우리들의 묵상/체험

제목 [RE:220]
작성자Seung-Woog Kwag 쪽지 캡슐 작성일1999-01-07 조회수4,363 추천수0 반대(0)
Viamaria, I am a doctoral student at University of Tennessee (Knoxville). I have enjoyed your writings very much through the internet. Because I have been a regular reader of this web site, I already surfed almost all the places in this site. But, it is not long for me to start reading your writings. I noticed your name since it appeared so often this page and it was the same as my wife's except for the last name. I think you own a good sense of feeling God and receiving His Holy Spirit which I have always hope to have. Thanks for your inspiring writings and efforts to put them on the internet. Please keep writing. I will try to read them as often as possible. However, unfortunately I can't reply you often because I am too busy to write a discrete letter to somebody from time to time. I decided to write this message because I would like to acknowledge your fine thinking and contribution. God bless you, Viamaria(?). Woops, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm sorry. My name is Seung-Woog Kwag whose Catholic name is Augustine (or I am using "Austin" instead of "Augustine" due to its easiness of calling and remembering). I am a Ph.D student majoring in finance. I have a happy family(a lovely wife and two angel-like daughters). In case you want to respond to this message, I will let you know my website address (http://web.utk.edu/~skwag) and my e-mail address (skwag@utk.edu). And, I want to apologize for the English message. Because I do not have any Korean software to make me write a Korean message conveniently, I could not send a Korean message. Please understand for the inconvenience. I hope this will not bother you. But, I am able to read Korean messages. Thank you for your writings again. Please keep working. I believe God will also acknowledge your efforts. Sincerely yours, Austin Kwag
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