
우리들의 묵상/체험

제목 Love
작성자박영미 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2009-01-17 조회수672 추천수7 반대(0) 신고
Love..........Tyrrell LaMark McKenzie(age:14)
God loves us.
God loved us so much that He made us
in His very own image,
and breathed His own into us.
So that our love for Him in return
would be pure, He gave us free choice.
We can choose to love Him back,
or we can choose to ignore Him,
and make Satan happy.
Despite God's great love,
so many were choosing to ignore Him,
that He sent His only son to us as baby Jesus,
to show us the way to live,
and teach us to love God, our Father,
and to love each other.
Jesus loves us so much, He even gave His life
on a cross to make up for all the sins of the world.
And our Father still loves us so much,
that He gives us grace,
which is His acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice,
as forgiveness of our sins.
All we have to do----for all this----is to appreciate Jesus
and what He did for us, and truly love Him back.
This is called being "saved,"
saved from the clutches of Satan---
not by good works, but by faith in Jesus.
Once we realize the extent of His love,
that Jesus died for us, arose from the grave,
and now sits at the right hand of God,
and accept these truths,
we receive another wonderful gift----
the Holy Spirit----who will increase our conscience,
so we can better recognize right from wrong----
and choose right.
We can have a very personal, loving relationship
with our Father and Jesus.
They love us so much
and care about every little thing we say and do,
even our thoughts.
But it is still our choice----God or Satan----
Heaven or Hell. There is no in-between.
I choose to accept the love of God and Jesus,
with my whole heart and soul,
and their gift, as promised,
of life in Heaven with them----forever!
Just ask Jesus to show you the way.
....감기 몸살로 집에서 하루종일 누워 이책 저책 뒤적이다 Anthology of Poetry by Young American-2008 Edition-(해마다 발간되는 미 전역에서 응모한 아이들의 시들중에 뽑힌 시가 실려있는 책. 저의 아들 시도 하나 실려 있어 구입했어요)에서 어린이 혹은 청소년들이 쓴 시들을 읽다 이 시를 발견하였습니다. 14살 중학생이 정확히 이해한 하느님과 예수님의 사랑입니다. 저도 우리 아이들은 물론이고 주일학교 아이들이 하느님 예수님을 더 사랑하고 풍부한 감수성으로 이런 시도 쓸 수 있도록 열심히 아이들을 사랑하겠습니다....꼬부랑 영어글을 그냥 올려서 죄송하지만 이해하는데 그리 어렵진 않을 듯해서요...우리의 신앙을 이 아이가 정리한 것 같아서 바로 올립니다...오늘도 주님안에 행복하세요.
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