
제목 그레고리안 성가 해석의 10 가지 원칙
작성자유원택 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2000-06-30 조회수2,528 추천수1
Lawrence Heiman 교수님의 글입니다. Ten Basic Notion for Gregorian Interpretation 1. Essentially, Gregorian Chant is a vehicle for prayer. ( It is, or should be, prayerful. ) 2. Gregorian Chant involves a literary text. Therefore, the singing should reflect the meaning and accentuation of the words and phrases. 3. Musically, Gregorian Chant is a scientific composite, made up of neumatic elements ( notes and neums ). Therefore, both conductor and singers should know how to interpret each of these elements. 4. Gregorian Chant is an art-form. Therefore, it should be sung with artistic freedom and nuance. 5. Gregorian Chant should be sung with forward movement, with a tending toward points of emphasis or repose. Therefore, the semblance of plodding along from note to note, or of super-anxiety for exactly calculated rhythms should be avoided. 6. The melodic notation of the Vatican Edition should be respected, although sometimes this needs to be amended in the light of manuscript evidence ( provided this evidence is known ). 7. The Messine neumatic notation of L ( Laon 239 ) should be especially observed and given attention while singing. ( Graduale Triplex에서 4 선보 Vatican Edition위에 그려진 검은색 표시들이 Laon 239 고문서의 표기들입니다. ) St. Gall readings are also useful, especially for confirming or ( rarely ) correcting L, or simply for supplying for a piece which is missing in L. ( St. Gall 표시는 Graduale Triplex에서 4선보 Vatican Edition 밑에 붉은 색으로 그려진 표기입니다. ) 8. United or small notational elements are light and flowing, short in duration. Separated ( in alto or in medio ) and especially, enlarged elements are more expressive and broader in duration. ( 이 내용은 L 이나 St. Gall 의 표시들의 해석 원칙중 하나입니다. ) 9. The chironomic gesture should relate to neums, not to a rigid packaging of 2s and 3s. An isolated note, as well as a group of four or more notes, may well require a special gesture. 10. In general, arsic movement is expressed by clock-wise gesture, and thetic movement by counter-clockwise gesture. Occasionally, an undulation may be an appropriate gesture for an accented syllable.
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