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작성자유원택 쪽지 캡슐 작성일1999-07-25 조회수1,912 추천수3 반대(0) 신고
http://my.netian.com/~gratia/ 음악 게시판 번호 #22 /40 날짜 1999년4월3일(토요일) 6:53:33 E-mail wontaek@ecn.purdue.edu 이름 ignatius 제목 on Aesthetics and music,especially 원문 답변 When I approach music, I approach it with a purpose. I got interested in music for I believed Music was the best means to convey abstract ideas to the listeners. I had many evidence that music, of all art forms, affects the sub-consiousness the most. Furthermore, Music's reliance to hearing, not sight, gurantees that it is most metaphysical of all art forms. therfore, by music, I hoped to pursuade more people to deeper mystery of our Catholic faith. I know there are many forms of music out there. I don't look down on most of them. But, for my purpose of enrichening people's life with Catholic 'flavor', certain types of music is more useful than others. Thus I am interested in 'occasional' (program, intentional, 'purposeful') music, and pay less interest to 'abstract'(pure) music. Popular music usually denotes commercial music, which serves whims of listener and money, not God. I believe that since there is God, all arts must be part of God. Because there is God in all of us, many of us can feel an accordance to piece of Great art. Great art piece should touch the accordance factor, the common part within all of our mind and spirit, while letting us in on the artist's soul and experience with life and beauty, the ultimate beuty being the God. Problem of modern art is the emphasis on uniqueness, which makes the artsits stray away from commonality, and concentrate on inventiveness. Inventiveness alone cannot be art, but desire for uniqueness, driven by COPYRIGHTS and academic acceptance, prevents them from realising it. They justify, that someday, people will understand THEIR art. But it can only be their art and not OUR art, art of all humanity. I believe after some level, God has to enter to make art even greater, although art need NOT BE RELIGIOUS. Again, what is important is recognizing the connection betwenn all minds, while not loosing individuality. I believe our existence in heaven will be something like that. We become part of everyone else, knowing and understanding each others to unimaginable level, yet we cherish each's individuality, where everyone adds something different to others. perhaps that is the reason God created us with Free Choice. He wanted some diversity as well as Love. {Infinite Joy in Infinite diversity in Infinite Conbinations - IDIC of Vulcans - Star Trek ) Rennaissance music satisfy my need for the IDIC in God, the most. It is religious, yet so diverse. I guess IDIC in God sums up my views very well. I stress moderation. most extremes are not good. Even in bad, something can be learned, although it may be as simple as 'don't follow certain path.' through all this, I have long since concluded that traditional Choir music of mixed people(not parts but diverse people) is the music of my choice and purpose. That si why I sing in choir. That is why I do anything in Choir. I challenge you, why are you in the choir? To praise God - Why can't you not do it by praying a lot? To enjoy music - then why not secular choirs which offers much more choice of music? To meet people - You should form a regular meeting time with your close friends. To get Drunk -I will not even dignify this with comment Because singing a prayer is prayer said twice? - Is it? The last reason, to me is INCOMPLETE. When you sing at the mass, you are NOT offering your own prayer, you are offering the prayer of whole congregation. You are singing a prayer as a REPRESENTATIVE of the whole congregation. When choir sings, for that time only, attention of the heaven is directed at the choir, more than presiding PRIESTS. That is why the church sought to regulate the choir and music. Most inportant of all, music induce not only the prayer within listeners' mind, but also induce the vision from God. Vision from spiritual world don't usually come with electromagnetic waves with wavelength between 4000-7000A. The best way to simulate it in natural senses may be is through hearing something not of words, yet more of words.
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