성가 게시판

제목 (4월 10일 수정판)해군 합창단들은 전세계적으로 다 좋더군요
작성자유원택 쪽지 캡슐 작성일2001-04-09 조회수731 추천수5 반대(0) 신고

 예전 미국 PBS에서  태평양 을 한바뀌 돌며 문화 답사를 하는 것을
보았는데 러시아의 블라디보스탁의 해군 합창단이
Polyushko-pole(오, 초원, 나의 초원이여)를 노래하는 것을 들어
보았습니다. 그 이후 저는 이 노래에 반해서 그 노래 있는 음반을
 찾았는데 러시아의 음반 제작 기술이 떨어져서인지 다 TV에 나온 것 만치
 하지 못하더군요. 반공 검열에 해당하지 않을테니 한번 제가 직접 연주해
 보고 싶은 멋진 노래입니다.

그 해군 남성 합창단의 수준은 상당히 좋았습니다. 솔직히 말하여
우리나라와 미국의 대부분 남성합창단보다 훨씬 소리도 좋고 풍만하며
기교역시 뛰어났지요. 몰락해 가는 소련 해군의 합창단인데도 그정도면
 전성기때는 어떨지...

Sound of Music은 제가 Maria von Trapp이 쓴 단편소설로 읽어보았습니다.
 영화와는 좀 다르게 결혼하였을 즉시 대령님은 거의 50을 바라보는
나이이었지요. 1차 세계 대전 당시에 해군 장교이었습니다. 1차 세계 대전
 당시 오스트리아-헝가리 제국은 현 Slovenia와 Croatia를 지배하고
있었지요. 그래서 발칸 반도의 중요한 항구도시인 트리에스테(Trieste),
 피우메( 현 Rijeka) 그리고 자라(Zadar) 를 지배하고 있었습니다.
 (자료원 교학사 고등학교 사회과 부도 83년.7월.29일 판).
1차 세계 대전 발생 원인중 제일 큰 원인은 독일의 카이저 Karl I?세가
영국이 바다를 제패하여 전 세계에 식민지를 거느리는 것이었지요.
 그러므로 그당시 내노라는 유럽 제국은 어떡하든 해군을 키우려고
하였습니다. 그렇지만 1차 세계 대전초의 영국의 해군의 우세가 너무 커서
동맹국들이 바다에는 별 활약을 시도하지 않았지요. 그러다
Jutland 해전이 있었는데 최초이자 마지막의 거대 전함 해전으로 서로
상황판단이 너무 어려워 흐지부지 끝나버렸고 영국의 재해권과 해상봉쇄는
 계속 되었지요.

독일이 해상봉쇄와 미군의 개입때문에 경재가 붕괴되어서 1차 대정이
 끝났을때 연합국은 큰 실수를 하였습니다. 전쟁 말까지 연합국이
독일 영토에 발을 디디지 못한 것이지요. 미국의 Pershing장군은 이
오류를 지적하면서 독일인이 패배를 확실히 깨닳게 한 후에 전쟁을 끝내야
 한다고 주장하였지만 빨리 휴전하고 싶어하는 분위기때문에 관찰되지
 못하였습니다. 여기에 복수심에 불타는 프랑스가 전쟁말 판도와 상관없이
 무리한 전쟁 보상과 동맹국 약화를 주장하였지요. 이때 나온 것이
 민족 자결 주의로서 독일과 오스트리아가 역사적으로 신성로마제국시대의
수십(수백일 수도 있슴)개의 나라와 민족이 병합되어지며 생긴 것을
이용하여 독일과 오스트리아 내의 여러 민족을 독립시키어
 많은 작은 나라로 찢어 다시는 프랑스를 위협 할 수 없게 하는 것이
 목적이었습니다. 이때 너무 다양한 민족들이 오랬동안 서로 싸우던
발칸 반도는서유럽쪽에서는 자세히 나누는 것이 귀찬아 유고슬라비아로
합쳐버리고 알아서들 하라 하고 내 놓았지요.

이때문에 오스트리아는 항구 도시들을 이탈리아와 유고슬라비아에게
 넘겨주고 많은 작은 나라로 나뉘어 졌고 Hitler은 전쟁말에 독일군대들이
 대부분 다른 나라의 영토를 점령하고 있었다는 것을 지적하며 기존
 정치인들을 매국노라고 주정하고 독일인의 자존심을 되찾아 주겠다고
하며 인기를 높일 수 잇었습니다. 이때의 서방의 별 생각없는 발칸반도
처리는 2차대전때 루마니아와 불가리아가 주축국에 참가하게 하였고
현재 유고 사태의 근원이 되었습니다.  

역사 이야기가 길어졌내요. Trapp가좆은 미국에와서 많은 어려움을 격다가
 노래로 돈을 좀 모아 농지를 살 수 잇었습니다. 그렇지만 Maria가 좀
강압적으로 가족을 합창단에 묶어 놓을 려고 하였고, 자식들을 결혼하지
못하게 하여 결국 자식들이 많이 도망가 버리게 되었습니다. 합창 활동을
포기하고 농지와 축산업으로 눈을 돌리게 된후 다시 대부분 화해 하였지만
지금 그 농원은 Maria가 죽은 후 자식간의 소유권 분쟁때문에 법정
소송까지 가서 다시 작은 농원들로 분해된 것으로 알고 있습니다.
마지막으로 Sound of Music 책 판권밑 모든 관련 권리는 Trapp가족이
$9,000?에 팔아서 원래는 영화에 loyalty 한푼도 받을 수 없었는데
영화 제작자들이 그 가족의 상황이 애처러워서 0.15%의 loyalty를
준 것으로 알고 있습니다.


다음 글을 참고하여 주시기바랍니다.






The von Trapp saga begins in 1910, when distinguished naval commander

 Georg von Trapp met Agathe Whitehead at a ball. Not only was it love

at first sight, it was an almost royal match. Captain von Trapp was as

distinguished a war commander in Austria as Eisenhower was in America

 following World War II. And the von Trapp-Whitehead marriage had the

same mythical aura as that of the Kennedy-Bouvier union. Both Georg and

Agathe came from privileged families, and the von Trapps were able to

live comfortably off the interest from Whitehead’s inheritance.



 According to Hirsch’s book, the fairy tale started to take a turn when

 the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed after World War I. Now without

 a coast, Austria no longer required a navy, and the Captain lost his

post. When Agathe died, von Trapp was inconsolable. According to

Johannes von Trapp, his father was as devastated by the end of his naval

career as by the loss of his wife: "My father’s life was the navy." explained

Johannes, "He was uncomfortable doing anything else. He was simply lost."


 After the loss of their mother, the children had an endless parade of

 governesses. One would be hired for the older children, one for the younger,

 and one to run the household. But the children wanted to have just one

 governess, and Maria seemed to be a perfect fit.


Even before Maria arrived, introducing madrigals and other complex music,

the children were musically inclined. Encouraged by the Captain, they sang

all the time, and he often accompanied them on guitar, mandolin, and violin.

 Maria, along with Father Wasner, a neighborhood Priest, brought a sophistication

 to the family’s singing, but according to Johannes, the Captain’s naval

stature helped the family forge their careers. Even before they began

 singing the Captain was very well known, and his name lent a certain

 air of importance to their group.


 When Captain von Trapp lost his fortune after the Austrian national bank

folded, the children had to learn how to work, doing laundry and other

household chores. They looked at their misfortune as an adventure, but

 their father was hit hard by the loss. He had nine children to support,

and no money. When the von Trapps began to earn money by singing in public,

 the Captain faced another conundrum. For a man in his position, earning

a living on stage was considered declasse. But they had little choice.

 As the head of the family, the Captain would come out and introduce the

 group after they had performed a few numbers, and then at the end of the

 show he would come back out and take a bow.



According to Hirsch’s book, this new life was abruptly halted when Hitler

 invaded Austria. The Captain brought his family together and said,

"We are standing at the open grave of Austria." He asked them if they

 wanted to stay or to leave. Despite the hardships sure to face them,

they had no moral choice but to depart. Although it was a terrible blow

 to leave their home and all their belongings behind, when they learned

that Himmler himself had taken over their house, their grief was

 almost unbearable.


 The von Trapps arrived in America in 1938, and spent the next eighteen

 years on the road. Because they traveled so much, the children basically

had to put their personal lives on hold. Every time they made a stop during

 a tour, Maria made all of the family visit a nunnery. A strong figure,

 Maria would not hear of any of the children leaving the family to strike

out on their own, even after some married and had families. She also seemed

torn between what she thought God wanted her to do and what she felt to

 be most important -- which caused her to lash out at her family.


 When the Captain died on May 30, 1947, the children started to rebel.

 They were tired of living on the road, and they wanted to start families

and settle down. All of the children eventually broke away, and the von

 Trapps stopped touring in 1956. The family corporation bought an old farm

 house in Stowe, Vermont, with everyone helping to build the home and take

care of the farm. They soon found out that this was not enough to support

the whole family, so while they were away on tours they rented their home

 to skiers. This was the beginning of the von Trapp hotel business.



Maria: After spending 30 years as a missionary in New Guinea, died at the

 age of 82 in 1987 and now rests alongside her husband on their property

in Vermont.


Rupert: A medical doctor until the mid-1980’s, he died in 1992 at the age

 of 80, leaving behind six children and ten grandchildren.


Agathe: Lives near Baltimore, Maryland, where she helps run a kindergarten.


Werner: After leaving the family group to become a dairy farmer, he had

six children and thirteen grandchildren.


Hedwig: Worked at the lodge until her death in 1972.


Johanna: Married in 1948, she left the family group to live in Vienna and

has six children.


Martina: Sang with the group until 1952, when she married. Died in childbirth

the same year.


Rosmarie: Lives in Stowe, Vermont, where she is a companion for a 100-year-old

woman who was a friend of her mother’s. She has brought music back to the

von Trapp Lodge by giving recorder lessons and leading sing-alongs.


Eleonore (Lorli): The mother of seven children, she stopped singing in

1952 and now spends time with her children and ten grandchildren.


Johannes: A graduate of Dartmouth, with a master’s degree in forestry from

Yale, he is now president of the von Trapp Family Lodge, Inc., and has

two children.



ⓒ1965 Argyle Enterprises, Inc. and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

ⓒRenewed 1993 Argyle Enterprises, Inc. and Twentieth Century Fox Film

Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Source Credits


Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment




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